Rubenstein’s Donates Flooring to Support Habitat for Humanity and Other Community Improvement Organizations
Rubenstein’s, a leading source of commercial flooring in the Pacific Northwest, donated eleven loads of flooring and adhesives to support community improvement projects in Washington, Oregon and California from April to August of this year.
The donations benefited Habitat for Humanity partners in Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, and Bremerton, Washington, as well as affiliates in Portland, Oregon and Modesto, California. Rubenstein’s also donated flooring to River Valley Community Outreach Center (RVCOC), a nonprofit that works to improve the lives of families in need in the Sacramento area.
Mountain Re-Source Center, a nonprofit that seeks donations of usable materials to support the work of other nonprofit organizations, coordinated the donation on behalf of Habitat and RVCOC.
For Jesse Deason, Senior Project Manager of Rubenstein’s, the donation was a great way to benefit multiple communities while also creating additional space in his warehouse.
“We are pleased to participate in this worthwhile program, which allowed us to reclaim roughly 6,000 square feet of warehouse space and realize a potential cost savings on disposal fees while simultaneously providing a benefit to those less fortunate. We would encourage any contractor with overage material to consider this program as a means to purge their unnecessary stock.”
Rubenstein’s is also a member of the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) and Deason is a member of its board of directors. NTCA is a longtime supporter of Tile Partners for Humanity, the partnership of tile industry members supporting the efforts of nonprofit organizations around the country through its parent organization, Mountain Re-Source Center.
Stanislaus County Habitat for Humanity in Modesto, Calif., used the flooring both in construction of new homes and in the restore, where the sale of material raised money for new construction efforts. “We depend on donations of good materials to build homes for deserving families,” said Director of ReStores Gary Torrijos. “We appreciate this so much!”
RVCOC Executive Director Mark Miller said there is always a need for quality flooring in his community. “The families we serve have very few resources and are always thankful for good materials that they can use to repair their homes and improve their lives. We work with single parents, veterans returning from service, and any number of families in need. On their behalf, we are grateful for the donation!”
Herb Miller, executive director of Mountain Re-Source Center, thanked Rubenstein’s for its incredible support. “Eleven loads of product can do a WORLD of good, and with this donation Rubenstein’s was able to improve lives in seven communities. We are so grateful that they understand how important it is to share good product and to allow their excess material to benefit the lives of those in need. Thank you!”
The Mountain Re-Source Center welcomes donations of all types of building materials as well as disaster relief supplies, educational resources, household necessities, and medical supplies. To donate or for more information on MRC or TPFH, contact MRC Executive Director Herb Miller at 304-678-4229/ or Networking Director Ally Venugopal at 425-429-6188/ MRC provides a donation receipt for tax purposes. For more information, visit or